About Us

CMTS Philosophy

Best outcomes from magnetotelluric surveying come from deep knowledge of the method. Starting with survey design then cost-effective acquisition followed by robust processing and response analysis leading to multi-dimensional modelling and inversion from which geology-constrained interpretations can be made.

Geoscience and geophysical services ≫

The CMTS Team

Our team consists of five internationally-based scientists who are all experts in their disciplines with over 120 years of combined experience in all aspects of magnetotellurics, from instrument design and survey design to acquisition, processing, analyses, inversions and joint-inversions.

We work together internally and with clients to further develop the method and achieve maximum results for all possible applications.


CMTS is certified by the Professional Geoscientists Ontario (PGO) to engage in the provision of geoscience services in the Province of Ontario, Registration Number 90356.


Shane Evans